The PEERE conference is approaching
The PEERE International Conference on Peer Review 2020 will take place between the 29th of September and the 1st of October. The congress is conceived...
The PEERE International Conference on Peer Review 2020 will take place between the 29th of September and the 1st of October. The congress is conceived...
ReviewerCredits organizes a webinar on peer review integrity in collaboration with PEERE. You can freely join the one hour webinar by Prof. Ana Marusic on...
It is sad to report of the death of one of our PEERE friends and colleagues Dr Jonathan (Jon) Tennant due to a tragic fatality...
The second edition of the PEERE International Conference on Peer Review will be celebrated as a fully open virtual event on 29 September – 1...
An article entitled “Efficiency in managing peer-review of scientific manuscripts – editors’ perspective” by Olgica Nedić, Ivana Drvenica, Marcel Ausloos & Aleksandar B Dekanski has...
An article entitled “Correcting duplicate publications: follow up study of MEDLINE tagged duplications” by Mario Malički, Ana Utrobičić & Ana Marušić hs been published in...
An article entitled “Peer Review of Reviewers: The Author’s Perspective” by Ivana Drvenica, Giangiacomo Bravo, Lucija Vejmelka, Aleksandar Dekanski and Olgica Nedić has beenpublished in...
An article entitled “The F3-index. Valuing reviewers for scholarly journals” by Federico Bianchi, Francisco Grimaldo & Flaminio Squazzoni has been published in the Journal of...
Oo 15-16 October 2018, PEERE has outreached a group of stakeholders to discuss the future of peer review data sharing. Here some pictures captuing the...